Dear Customer
The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) are changing on the 25th May 2018. As a business that holds data relating to your company, to comply with the regulations we are legally obliged to inform you of what data we hold, and how we will / will not use it and your rights under the new legislation.
Certain information is required to enable us to fulfil our contractual obligations as detailed below.
The information (previously given to us by your company) will include some or all of the following:
The data held and any historic information stored is for trading and associated correspondence only.
Steelco do not hold any personal / individuals details, we do not sell your information on to other parties and will never pass or share your data without your permission.
You have the right to request a copy of the information held about your company. If you would like a copy of the data held, please forward a written request to You have the right to request that any information you do not wish us to hold is deleted and that inaccurate data is corrected.
We would like to continue to correspond with you in the future utilising the details held above.
If you would prefer not to be contacted by us in the future please simply reply in writing via:-
Post: Sandy Hill, Lamport Road, Rothwell, Northamptonshire. NN14 1LW
Thank you very much for your time today, we do appreciate your business and look forward to being of service to you in the future.
Steelco Limited, Sandy Hill Farm, Lamport Road
Rothwell, Northants NN14 1LW
Company number: 03543846
Tel: 01536 418341